Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ammonia at 0.25-1 ppm?

Its weird lol that i tested and its roughly ard 0.25-1ppm uncycled tank . should i juz leave it or change my anti ammonia rocks?? got 3 platies and 1 swordtail in a 7 US gallon tank they sure are strong fishies. What do u guys think? Answer below on what i should do next . And does live plants always die?? I have 1 thats almost half dead should i change it ? or let it be 1st?

What product should I use to fix my sparse eyebrows?

i have a scar on my eyebrow thats like a gash i got in a fight and no hair grows there now. i find that a dark, matte brown eyeshadow covers it better and more naturally than a thick waxy pencil...

Have you ever watched Antique Roadshow?

Yes I watched it last night.Some woman had a table that sat in her living room..she brought it to the show and it was worth 350 thousand dollars.she said "That's lovely" I would of been screaming and jumping up and down like I just won a car on the price is right..

What would be good names for...?

i say that a good name for a girl would be April,Bella, Constance, Christine, Elizabeth, Faith, Gabriella, Hope, Isabella, Jade, Kali, Kylie, Lisa, Miranda, Nicole, and Olivia.

Does anyone know how to get rid of bedbugs?

get rid of the blankets and the mattress and treat the entire room, preferable the house would be better.

What is "bring me the horizon" ? sorry , im old?

my kids are in love with something called "bring me the horizon " , when i googled it all i found were pictures of boys that were tattooed and some strange clothing line and some screaming and yelling , can some one tell me if its satanic or not ? whos oli ? is he the leader ?

How to take off all this unknown memory on my computer?

Hi I was wondering if there was a way to taking all this unknown space off my computer. My computer holds 74.4GB of space and I have only 9.86 GB left. I know im not using now even nearly close to 40GB of space so idk how I am using over 60GB of space. I cleaned, defrag, deleted stuff in my TEMP folder, and i'm to scared to go around and delete stuff knowing I might fck my computer up. The only problem I can think of is when I switched from xp to vista. All my xp stuff got transfered because idk what was on my computer a virus or something but it wasn't acting right so I installed vista on my computer and it seemed to be all better exepct now I got AALLLL this space on my computer used. If anyone could tell me what I can do and what is going to make my computer have more memory because this is ridiculous.

Cancun or Grand Cayman?

Ok, I have earned all these Marriott points of which I would like to use at a hotel where my husband and I can just relax on the beach and eat and drink. I don't need to sightsee. Snorkeling I would definately try. I just want a beautiful beach with beautiful water and sand. I have taken vacations where we would hike walk or drive to different monuments, parks, etc. Now I just want to relax without hiking, walking or driving. I have narrowed it down to Grand Cayman and Cancun which both have Marriotts located on the beach. I have researched both, even through Yahoo Answers. But I am still stuck on deciding. Which would you recommend? Cancun? Grand Cayman? In early December?

I think I saw whales near Ma'alaea in Maui late at night in July. Is this possible?

I was flying into Maui, and from the light of the wing of the plane shining down on the water, I thought I saw whales (they were very large) swimming around and frolicking, but I know that whales are only here in the winter. Were there any other strange sightings in the water lately?

Is this a well written paragraph...?

Why couldnt you paste the paragraph? I wont go to that link, partially because there is too much spam out there and partially because it says clear as day "photos" which means to me that it isnt what you say it is.

The top of the table clash, this weekend at Ibrox ?

Billy,how can you speak about spl action when our teams are involved in champs league action soon.Whats that,your team got knocked out by the jam tarts feeder team??Whats that,the feeder team then got absolutely humped by part time pastry makers??Oh im sorry Billy,now i see why you have to post about spl stuff and have digs about the bhoys.Chin up billy,still you have the eufa cup.what,your not good enough for that either???Right Billy,you be as twisted and bitter as you want to because your team has let you down big time.

Are lenders behind intense lobbing regarding the bailout plan in favor of lenders, not borrowers?

In looking at what is being offered as a mortgage bailout plan, it looks to me as this plan has huge benifits for lenders, with practically none for borrowers, do you believe this is true? For instance, if you wanted to rebuild the pool of borrowers with only borrowers who you could manipulate to get stuck in bad loans, and would stay their, then to get rid of everyone else would make sense. People who really need help, are they getting any? Do you feel that this is right? Do you feel that the ordinary joe or josphine should get istance? if you do, please call your congressman... and ask for istance for these people. Also, come up with your own solution for istance to the mortgage crisis and post it on yahoo answers after calling your congress person asking for them to propose a bill. So what are your thoughts on this matter? Do you agree with this idea, or do you feel that everyone is getting their just deserves and we should stay the course?

Good clothing for cold rainy weather?

I am going to be living in Olympia Washington soon and I am from Southern CA originally so the only thing I have heard thats good for cold rainy and possibly sometimes snow weather is northface are there any others? Should i shop out there or get just northface here? also My skin is prone to breakouts and I am just getting it under control any reccomendations for keeping it clear in the cold?

I need a new swimsuit. I am twelve year old girl. I don't want anything like a bikini though.?

Hey I'm a twelve year old girl and I am looking for a good swimsuit. It shouldn't be to showy like a bikini but it should not be something a nine year old would wear. Thanks! And if you can send me a link for a website that shows a good swimsuit that would be awesome

How can society urge multi-national corporations to WANT to be more socially consious?

Emphasis being on MNCs, the IMF, WTO, and World Bank. Subjects being specifically environmental sustainability and economic progress for low income populations.

How do I remove a screened on number from a shirt?

I play on a sports team, and I received a practice jersey and practice t-shirt. The jersey is polyester, and the t-shirt is 50% cotton and 50% polyester. In both cases, the number is screened on as 13, and my number is 31. How do I take off the numbers and replace them with the right ones, and where can I go to get this done. They both seem like they are not completely ingrained, and can be taken off. Any solutions? I live in the Es county area of New Jersey, so if anybody knows any shops of this capacity it would be appreciated.

Why does my tongue itch when i eat shrimp?

You might be developing allergic reactions to seafood or something common in shrimp. I would be careful it gets worse the more you try it.

I dont understand puberty?

I have researched this as my daughter is starting to go through puberty. The final stages of puberty are clified when your are fully developed, like when the become more similar to an adult women. And when the pubic hair has extended into the thigh area. Google "Tanner Stages of Puberty". It will give you a better idea of what to look for.

Using "mwah" in conversations (Philippines) ?

I don't think this is based on where this person comes from, I'm pinoy but I don't use "mwah" in conversations, mainly because it's reallly cheesy(and I'm a girl), so it's all up to you... because then again she might get upset if you don't respond back.... some pinoys have very interesting tempers......

Question about the tone of the b drum on acoustic drum sets?

I noticed that at rock concerts, the b drum always has a super loud, solid, b-y thump. I realize that it sounds so good because of the acoustics of the room, the professional drum set, and the microphone for the b drum. Whenever I hear b drums without mics, they sound rattly, loose, and un-sharp. Is it impossible to achieve an actual b-y sound with an acoustic bass drum without it miced up?

In Sims Medieval, is it possible to control my hero's husband and daughter?

My surgeon just married and had a daughter, but I still can only control Surgeon Edna. Is there a way for me to control her husband, Dirk, and her daughter, Julianna??

Can I use a prepaid AMEX card to pay other utility/credit card bills?

I have a $500 prepaid AMEX card w/ an expiration date. Has anyone used one before to pay credit card and/or other bills? Thanks!

Why do nice guys get girls who have been used out?

Girls who generally have had it with the playing scene settle with the nice guys. Nice guys get stuck with used girls instead of new girls and become the obligatory payers of their debts, the carriers of their baggage and adopt their children.

Is this baseball glove good?

im a 3rd baseman for my high schools varsity team and im looking to buy a new glove. does anybody have any recommendations for me? im looking at this on........ a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ................. and also this one ............. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ..................... amd also this one ............. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ............................. does anyone know if the flare on the first one is good or not? and which one do you think would be best? THANKS!!!!

What is flying over the clouds?

I got an email from someone on here asking me to join some sight that the "good people" from GWS go to. But I don't know who that person is and I think it could be some kind of virus they want me to click into. Does anyone know what that may be?

Do all external USB hard drives require a separate power source?

there are portable usb drives that draw power from usb slots such as the western digital pport and the freecom mobile drive - they tend to be a little more expensive

HSG - I completely forgot to tell my new fertility doctor that I have ovarian cysts that come and go?

I don't know if it will make any difference but you should definitely speak to your doctor for clarification. Give you doc a call.

Is there any chance of me getitng hired when?

Each of these stores are fashioned oriented. so dress really nice. Remember to be conservative though. Limit jewelry and perfume. Do not show too much leg and no . Be freindly and outgoing. Ask them what you can do to get the job. They are all going to ask you why you want to work there. They will also ask what can you contibute to their store. Be honest and straight forward. Look them in the eye and give a firm hand shake. Sit up straight and show interest in what they are saying. Let them know you will wear their product and all your freinds and family will notice. Tell them you are customer oriented and love helping people. Good luck

My 94 chevy cavalier will start fine when it is cool, but if you drive it and try to start it,no luck

it will start when it cools down again. it almost sounds like it creates a vapor lock until it cools down. i have changed out the thermo and the fuel filter put in new antifreeze please help

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is there a way i can i pay one credit card using another one, thereby getting points/awards on both of them?

You'll get the points from the first card for the initial purchases but the balance transfer to the second card will not give you any additional points/rewards. Its best that you keep the balance on the card with the lowest APR so you pay the least amount of interest on it until you pay it off.

Know any good Romance books?

You will totally love Rekindled by Tamara Alexander then and also another book called Revealed by the same author. Enjoy x

How do I do "Kegals"?

After having two kids, I began to have a constant urination problem. My kidney doctor suggested doing kegals to see if I could make my bladder stronger, etc. The best way she told me how to do them was every time I would go pee, stop it mid-stream a couple times and continue going until you're done. Sometimes if you have to go really bad it's hard but that is how I learned to do them. After a while, you get quicker at it hence making your muscles stronger down there. Once you start to do them while you pee, you're able to do them anytime you want because you get used to it.

How can i make a Christmas Yule Log using these ingredients?

hi sarah, break eggs into bowl, whisk then add sugar cand whisk till its like a thick cream, fold in flour a little at a time. spread the mixture into well greased swiss roll/baking tray and bake in HOT oven gas 6-7 for 7 to 8 mins only do not over cook or it will crack when you try to roll it (if it does crack dont worry because you are going to be covering it with icing anyway.) when its cooked turn it upside down onto greaseproof paper that has had sugar sprinkled over it. make it into a roll drawing the paper over it and away from you. fold the paper round it and leave to cool slightly to set. then when its cold you should be able to gently unroll it to put the filling inside and then re roll it to cover with your chocolate icing. it sounds complicated but really isnt. try googling "how to make a swiss roll" because its easier if you actually see it being done. good luck honey!

Help with future career ideas.?

well i didnt read the whole thing. i just scanned it. sounds like ur confused about what u wanna be. so may be u can attend a career counseling or soe thing.........but remember one thing u r not always going to find every thing exactly the same as u want dont be too choosy........go to a good school district............its good because its strict..........

Authentic Mexican restaurant cooking?

I have a question about the different types of mexican cuisines. In my hometown, there are several mexican restaurants with the same menu and all the food tastes the same. They all have a Speedy Gonzales lunch combo, the plates are crammed with enchiladas/burritos, tacos, rice, and beans, and they serve items such as tostaguacs. The enchiladas and burritos are filled with ground beef and topped with a certain type of sauce. The rice does not have a tomato texture to it, it almost has a red chile and garlic taste to it. Anyway, the food is probably very comforting and fattening. What style of mexican food is this?

How come the same clothes have a different effect when worn by different people? How can I look more casual?

Maybe your outfits are too busy lol, maybe theres a non-confident feel about you and thats why you dont look casual. People have a sixth sence for this stuff lol. Just try and keep your outfits as basic as possible :) and dont worry so much about what others think about you! theres nothing wrong with looking dressy.

Awesome Mabinogi clothes...?

I'm fairly new to the mmorpg Mabinogi, and while I know how to buy basic clothes from the clothing shops, I see people walking around with really unique looking clothes and masks and dresses and all sorts of stuff o.O. I was wondering, how do I get those awesomely awesome types of clothes?

Getting the little kids to listen to you?

I am a brown belt in karate, iam 16 years old. I am often asked to teach the lower belts aged 5-11, they are terrors, they don't listen and they run around screaming, which looks bad on me. The teacher won't let me give them pushups. I have tried bribing them , it doesn't work. They have 5-10 minutes beffore cl to act like little hooligans. I hide before cl because they are so crazy, my rule is unless they are fighting or going to hurt themselves stay out of the gym! Please help

I believed in hijab...but now I'm confused?

The quran says to dress modestly nothing about dressing like darth vader. Those outfits were created by jealous men who don't want other men to see their wives. Do you know they also limit Vitamin D which is essential for health especially in pregnancy? Surely allah would know that.

If you had QUINTUPLET boys?

3. I don't like the whole "everyones name starts with the same letter" thing and I don't like how everyone has the same middle initial.

Why did they have Miley Cyrus giving advice on American Idol last night?

She can't even sing but she does swing on a pole like a monkey. How about that Siobhan? I think she is the main competition for Crystal, the favorite among the girls. What was she wearing anyway?

I need help with OCD? Feeling dirty/suicidal almost.?

Good evening everyone. I have OCD to an extent, along with mild depression and I have a question, and also looking for some advice too. First, I just turned 20 on December 5th. Anyways, me & two friends were looking for some marijuana earlier, and one of his female friends that live in a local trailer park said she had, so we drove down and picked it up. Anyways, I now feel 'dirty' and I also feel the clothes I had on are contaminated along with the load I washed them with; are covered in 'trailer park germs'. Now before anyone throws me under a bus, I am not stuck up, nor do I look at anyone as less then me. My OCD causes me to think this way. I just don't know what to do, I feel like throwing out all my clothes and hanging myself. How do I correct OCD without a therapist? Please answer maturely. Happy holidays to you, also.

Please help.... i feel absolutely friendless..?

I don't know what to do. I always take more time than usual to make friends but once i've made them i find them really hard to let go of like that. There's this one friend who'slike, all i talk to right now but somehow she keeps hurting me. She treats me like i'm a total nothing to her, and when she needs me she's so sweet that i can't believe i ever thought she was mean. And once she's done, i'm back to square one, hurt. I'd like her tell it on her face but i'm scared ... what do i do..?

Should the US start mandatory conscription or mandate war bonds in order to discourage wars that are because?

of political/religious ideology? The reason why the US invaded as opposed to stand off bombing with the use of UAV's remotely is because you can't shove western/christian ideas down their throats that way.

Plz recommend ELECTRONICS BOOK,,,,OF subject network ysis and synthesis including the syllabus written in?

I used "Pive and Active Network ysis and Synthesis" by Aram Budak for 95% of the syllabus you listed. The other 5% I used "Modern Control Engineering" by Ogata.

Signs a shy guy likes me..?

i'm a guy so obviously he likes you. i would suggest approaching his face to face and asking if he likes you and that you like him, because with guy's like him they will never ask you out no matter what so you need to ask him out. and no, this is normal, my best Friend got asked out by a girl and everyone was fine with it. so if you really like him, you need to take the first step.

Poll shows Obama is the worst president of the last 100 years, is that true or is it Carter or someone else?

I believe Obama is one of the worst presidents of all time but how bad will be determined by history. Right now, I feel Reagan and both Bushes are worse than Obama. However I am debating if Obama is worse than Carter and I waiting to see if Iran gets the bomb before 2012 or North Korea invades South Korea. If so, then I feel Obama will definitely be worse than Carter and probably will beat out Reagan as the worst president of all time.

Does this happen to you?

Am I totally weird or is it normal for the lighting to change the way you feel? Like if I'm in a really good mood and its dark then someone turns the lights on and I feel really crappy or if I'm in a car and we're driving down the road and its really sunshiny outside then all of the sudden its dark my mood completely changes. does that happen to anyone else?? I think the moods link to the way I felt when I was younger about certain things cause any time that happens I get like a really small case of deja vue.

Where can I find pictures of seashells for preschool children to print & color?

I need pictures of the Arc Shell, Knobbed Shell, Peri winkle, Boat Shell, & Jingle Shell. My curriculm for this month is Fun In The Sun. These pictures need to be black & white, printable not to small, not to big. My students are Pre-School.

Peyton Manning?

I've been a huge fan of Peyton's for a long time, and I was overjoyed when the Colts beat the Pats in the afc champ game, but the other day one of my friends told me that Peyton is gay. Is this true?! Because I think it would be a shame if he is.

My epson is on fritz?

You don't give much information but I think that you should update your scanner software if possible.

How to draw a manga of a teen transforming into a car, jacket, or chair?

You could access and study morphing techniques embedded in graphics tools such a digital image pro to get some ideas.

In the evolution of music?

yea i mean nno disrespect but you have rappers like rick ross who thinks hes the sh!t and other rappers like that.. and the whole rap world went way down hill when eminem left and theres not one person who can say it didnt....but anyway eminem is greatest rapper ever.

Breaking News: Teenager goes to hospital with burnt ?

A teenager who tried to copy a scene from Amercian Pie by shagging an applie pie was rushed to the hospital with serious burns on his . The teenager, 17, couldn't wait for the tasty pastry to cool down and after he slid in his pecker he was badly scalded by the hot filling. Whats your reaction to this?

Have you read Lord of the Flies ?

Yes, I have read the book and I also happen to know that these are fairly easy questions to answer. Normally, I would say read the book and figure it out on your own, but since I am hyped up on Halloween candy, I shall help you. Piggy's Gles are significant because they represent science and technology. The fire is very significant because it is the only way the boys can be rescued. It also represents the boys' wishes to return home (the longer they remain on the island, the less they care about the fire). The conch represents democracy and civilization because the conch allows Ralph to have order among the boys. However, I am quite unfamiliar with the masks, but the pig's head (the Lord of the Flies) symbolizes the power of evil.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Are there cure for skin disease?

They are all treatable. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean all people will improve with current treatments available.

I need Raj shetty (weight looser trainer from gujarat) books who came in IndiaTV new channel.?

i need Raj shetty (weight looser trainer from gujarat) books who came in IndiaTV new channel.. i need his email address or books. plz tell mer were i can find his book or video

Have you ever witnessed a UFO or USO?

3 times in my life, and they were always when i was out in the country hunting. But i wish i could've seen them close up. They were amazing. I'll never know what they were, but man they could maneuver like nothing else on this earth.

What can I do to handle my sister better?

Avoid her when you know she is in one of those moods to spare yourself the torture. Go someplace that she cant find you to start on you. Tell her your not her emotional DUMP BOX, and that if she is not gonna speak nicely to you, dont speak to you at all.

Can I experience a bit of the amazon from Rio?

I want to experience a bit of Brazil's wildlife, can I from just being at Rio? Are there any Zoos or aviaries? Please be mature in your answers.

Hi , i wish to do MBA in airport and airline management,is Nehru College in Coimbatore is Worth Studying?

hi i am aspirant in doing Mba in airport and airline management, i prefer anna university coimbatore, i can only get this university and Nehru College in coimabatore offering this course, is it worth studying in these places, is there any other place i can get MBA in irport and ariline management

I have a question about the hour window you have to refuel after training.?

Do you need to have already digested your post training meal with in that hour. Or do you just need to get those fast carbs and protein in your body with in that hour. Thank for the help!

If i.....How long should it take me to shed 30 lbs?

ok im 150 lbs and 5'5...i dont look really fat but i wanna be skinny,if i eat 500 calories a day and exercize 30-60 minutes a day,how long should it take me to lose 30 lbs????If you think this is unhealthy guess what!i dont care so you dont hafta tell me that but thank you to those that actually answer my question:D

Paxil, what will it do?

you will feel normal with less anxiety in time. initally you may get mild nausea and headache but this will go quickly

Cute back to school looks?

For clothes shop at Forever 21 and hit sales at American Eagle, Nordstrom's juniors department, and some things at Aeropostale

NASCAR fines unnamed drivers for comments?

It is actions such as this that will drive more fans away from NASCAR than the muzzling of the drivers to protect the integrity of the sport.

I failed my driving test, any tips for the next one?

Failed on going too slow (20 in a 30 but hilly, couldnt see round corners, and parked cars everywhere area) i didnt signal once when i pulled out from a parked position even though nobody was around and i also didnt check my left door mirror once when i left a roundabout. i think i was just down for a fail that day because they counted them all as serious not minors. i dont really get nervous but im so desperate to drive, i can drive better than quite a few of my friends who had ped their tests first time! thanks

According to the Catholic Church, is it wrong for a married couple to not have or want (intent) kids?

I am asking this because the Church requires a married couple to be open to procreation each time they have .

I recieved this mail, is it spam?

Yahoo or Microsoft never ask for information from You. It’s a phishing scam, do not answer. Put it in the trash and forget it.

Protesting Nigerians and jumpy guardians; does BA actually like it's customers - well certain ones, anyway?

Hi native x. Yes, I read the story also, amazed at the police taking his money, which is a lot in any language. Any London airport would have police running to any plane where there is trouble, but it looks like the authorities wanted to quieten down the one who was protesting the most, and the only way to do that here is to jump about screaming, with or without guns, in order to intimidate. But to put him in a cell and take his money? Very strange. I thought that happened in countries of war and corruption. Believe he worked in computers in London. (the protester, not the 'deportee'). Why can't they have groups to deport, in a plane only for them, instead of forcing them into a normal flight? It may be a long time before we see BA adverts again! x

Why are UK pop stars trashing Australian Politicians?

the only true Australians are the Aboriginals, the rest are just the offspring of thieves, murders, rapists, degenerate cowards, british rejects stripped of there british status lacking the requisite qualities necessary resulting from defective genes there below average mental capacity making it impossible to demonstrate the high level of intellectual excellence required as standard by the british, instead down graded to an Australian and put on a ship, in any case your Politicians don't matter its not as if they do anything, your inconsequential wasteland of a country does as its told from its british masters

Had computer not been invented what would have been your contacts,Pen friends or Phone friends?

i'd love to be pen pals with my friends. its cute haha. but phone is always good for quick plans, and when you need to talk so i think id go with phone

What is the difference between the Tom Clancy's Patriot Games book and the Movie, with Harrison Ford?

Author Tom Clancy distanced himself from the movie because of a number of plot changes. Most significantly, the Prince became "Lord Holmes", the Queen Mother's cousin; and Sean Miller isn't killed at the end

Computer CPU overheating?

Ah... if you opened the case to remove the heat sink you have now voided your warranty so I am not sure why you want to break your computer now that you cannot get the manufacturer to replace it once you have gotten it to over heat.

Do you think President Arroyo of the Philippines is going to become/is a dicator?

Not really. More like a stage mother from hell. Or if you like splitting Filipino hairs, a dictatress : P

How do I get my windows xp sp2 computer ( dialup) to connect and disconnect on a schedule?

One way to achieve this is to click Start-Programs-Accessories-System Tools- Scheduled Tasks. Of course you will need to make sure your dail-up connection wizzard to Auto-Connect. It is an interesting tool to use.

What would be some good suggestions for my Black/blue poison deck?

Your deck is not a poison deck, it is an infect deck. Infect produces some of the same effects to players but it is not poison. Also you have too many one-ofs and two-ofs. You won't draw any of the necessary cards if there is only one copy in your deck.

Are planet audio amp capacitors any good?

Im looking to buy a 2 farad capacitor and i was wondering if the brand planet audio was any good? if not what are some good brands of caps

WWE, The injured, inactive, or just on the wrong show...?

Well there are some people either injured or banished or non active or even on another show that is potentially hurting the WWE; Randy Orton, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Booker T(not King Booker), Stone Cold, and Masked Kane cuz frankly unmasked Kane sucks. I wish WWE would get these people back cuz alot of the characters now completely suck... such as.. Cena, Edge, most of the ECW roster including Mark Henry, JBL, yup those are the main ones, even to get Brock Lesnar back would be huge!!! but him in the UFC is pretty bad-A also, oh and to have Sting move to WWE would be amazing also... any opinions?

Who has a fat azz trina or shanna?

Trina has it all the way. I am a girl and I am not gay but Trina's *** is so fat that you can't miss it even if you weren't looking. So for everybody that said they don't know, they don't look at girls, or neither are just in denial and lying to themselves. Trina, it obvious.

Endangered Animal?

Please do your own homework. You cant really benefit by having another person answer these questions. I suggest you read the Community Guidelines as well.

Would This Be Copying Jon CJG?

Would i be copying Arby N' the Chief if i made a Machinima similar to Arby n' the Chief by Jon CJG/Digtal Ph33r were i used action figures that played xbox live and stuff. I mean i wouldn't re use his plots or jokes, just the whole action figure acting thing. WOuld this be copying him?

If your partner is cheating on you....?

it's the best "revenge". I always said that, as long as you know how to love people, you must understand when it's time to set them free as well

Which boots are cuter?

i think the first ones are cute! i love cowboy boots and have 3 pairs. i got all of mine at thrift stores for around $20 each. so i would definitely see if your local thrift store has any before purchasing one of these. i don't like the second pair at all though to be honest, they look like tacky fake leather, kind of like raincoat material too. but the first pair is cheap for cowboy boots since they usually run around $100. so if you're going to get one of these then definitely go for the first ones. hope i helped!

Should Speedos just be outlawed?

No. They are normal bathing suit just like boardshorts and trunks. In the 1970s and early 80s, they were the norm and that's what all the cool guys wore to fit in and to impress the girls. So now all of a sudden they should be outlawed because a bunch of babies born in the 1980s and 1990s (who don't know squat about fashion sense and who are too stupid to know the difference between a bulge vs a openly on display) think it should. Plus, by outlawing speedos, we're alienating Europeans tourists who might just decide to spend their money elsewhere.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How do I get my cats to get along?

Statistics say to put them both in a room (with not alot of distractions, and the room has to be connected by a door) let them sniff each other through the door. theyll get aquainted soon. this worked with my cat when i brought a new kitten home, hopefully it will work for you:)

Is it safe for two women to go on a kenyan safari now?

My sister and I are planning to go to Masai Mara and also to Serengeti in July. Is it safe given the recent political unrest and the fact that it will be two women traveling together. Any thing to look out for/avoid -thanks so much for any input you can provide

Well done Leeds... how do they do it? That's a question right?

they have done well to get into the playoffs but I hope they fail miserably. The longer this horrible club stay out of the limelight the better.

What are the chances of receiving air force loadmaster or in-flight refueling?

i leave a week from today i am in open general i qualify for load master and in-flight refueling those are my top two picks will i be likely to get one of these two jobs

Why do ppl say that rap takes no talent at all to do?

i agree, the real Rap with meaning has been clouded by fake rap artists for awhile now and unfortunately they represent "all" rap. they shouldnt but they do. real rap takes tons of talent.

Hi, i would like to register & get license for my firm.I am in TN.What are the docs needed to reg my firm?

When i approached Registrar of Companies,Coimbatore, they asked me to consult an Auditor.proprietorship firm.

Hip places to live in Brisbane and how to go about renting an apartment?

I am 24 years old and am moving to Brisbane in january to do a masters degree. I am really confused about how to go about finding a place to live. I have been hearing that Paddington, the Valley and new farm are great places to live. Currently I live in Montreal in a great area with little cafes and restaurants, markets, independent music and film, parks, bike lanes and is well connected to public transportation. I am looking for something along those lines in Brisbane and I am wondering how people go about renting places. Do you have to go through a real estate agency? Where do you look for apartments? Are bedbugs an issue? Help me! :) Please and thanks!

Survival of the fittest in Washington?

She'll have her work cut out for her to survive in Washington. She'd be able to protect the White House with her AK-47 if under attack but Washington life could eat her alive. Though she does like sign autographs in movie star style from what we're seeing on the news so maybe she'll enjoy greeting the people touring the White House.

Why do some Americans don't care about you if you can't bring in money to the economy?

I notice that some Americans love Illegal Immigrants(Mexicans) because they are hard working, but let a Haitian or a African, Somalian, etc. come to America or attempt to do so...and it's like "We don't want you here in this country, Go back, keep them out!" I found out it's not really about a skin color, it's really about if you don't have nothing to contribute to American society. Americans don't want you coming into the country point blank. Is this being cold hearted or is this just about the almighty dollar and not wanting to pay more taxes to take care of more people who can't contribute to America? Which one is it? Or....Is it both reasons?

Difference between dodge caliber se and sxt?

No difference. There are both piles of crap. Don't even consider buying one. Read Consumer Reports, or any trade journal. Everything else in in the segment is better. Look at a Hyundai Elantra Touring. It's similar, reliable, and has a great warranty.

Is a masters degree necessary?

I have just graduated with a degree in marine science, and I decided to take a year out to try find how much employment there is out there for graduates, but it seems to be impossible to find a job in relation to conservation or marine science. I am contemplating furthering my career prospects with a masters, but with �3500 tuition fees, I'm unsure if it would be a good direction. I would really appreciate any advice from those who already completed a masters to let me know if its worth it.

Im not shy! but people always say that I am. Would you think im shy too?

Im 20yrs old. Im reserved. I dont like talking loud or getting unwanted attention. I like my privacy and I enjoy being alone (sometimes) I prefer to listen and yze things. I do not like stupid jokes or stupid behavior and if I could have my world in perfect harmony I would. I hate childish behavior and people without manners. Ok I stay quiet when I do not find interest in the conversation (most of the time) I cant fake a smile when people are laughing about farts and burps.. I am happy! and my boyfriend is happy with me! I have many talents and good things too.. but everybody whi knows me or sees me thinks m shy! Im not! I like saying what I feel when I want.. I dont have any problem with speaking to a stranger or making a friend. What do you think???

Wanted English bulldog?

does any one know of english bull dog pups in uk that arnt too expensive im happy to spend 1000 pounds but no shipping and no deposit till i have seen the pups im desperate its for my son. im in somerset would pefer a male i have looked everywhere on the web and local papers but nothing and im quite aware of the scams about

Do you think whenever "scientific" studies are published to the general public, there is a hidden agenda?

Global warming is not a scam as much as deniers would like to believe or as much as they persist in speaking about the misquoted and out of context emails that they read. I doubt it is the sugar that is causing the tumor growth in studies as there is much worse ingredients, some of them very acidic, in many types of soda pop. I'm also sure that you've heard correlation does not always equal causation. Not sure about the cell phone cancer scare. Personally instead of going to sites like yahoo or AOL I prefer going to actual news sources.

HELP ME.........PLZZZZZ............…

see.... my x-boyfriend has asked me out another guy...( 1 of d hotties)........ has asked me out too..... i had a crush on dat hottie after i broke up widmy now m a bit confused.....tell me guys wat 2 do...plzz do reply...plzzz

How do I hook my computer up to my TV?

The video on the mother board might not be able to use that big of a screen. You might need to get a video card or a tv tuner card that will fit into your desktop. The tv might have an HDMI port on it. The laptop might have one also.

If capitalism works best, why did Bush/Paulson beg communist china for emergency loans?

Thanks to liberal policies here, China is more freely capitalist now than we are. Seriously, look at their economics!

What is it like to take online courses?

I am currently enrolled in Penn Foster's Veterinary Technician program because there are no schools in the area that offer the program. I like it because I can work on it any time I want and I don't have to worry about commuting and reschedualing things around school. I also find it to be affordable too, which is important to me. I pay monthly. In my program they also have message boards so that you can interact with other people in the program and they offer actual cles that you log into and you can ask the instructor questions and talk to fellow students. It may be difficult depending on people's learning styles, like if you learn better by reading things then it should be easier because there is a lot of reading involved, although they do have some CDs and Tapes for those that are visual and audio learners. The only thing that is difficult for me is it really is easy to procrastinate. Other than that I find it easier and I prefer it over more traditional schools. Good luck and I hope this helps!

Any way to keep Crayola Color Wonder from hardening overnight?

My child is making a small model out of Crayola Color Wonder. Is the any way s/he couls keep it from drying out overnight, so she can work on it tomorrow?

Do you think Donald Trump was right to endorse Sen. McCain because Sen. Obama would raise taxes?

He stated that normally when they raise taxes they are really going t raise every ones and that at this time the economy is weak and fragile and might be pushed into a depression. You can see it on Greta on Fox later tonight.

Jews - How exactly are the rest of us going to be destroyed when your messiah arrives?

Most of the Jewish world doesn't really take Babylonian texts as seriously as you apparently do, but I appreciate your concern about your destiny. How will YOU be destroyed? You won't. You will die, fat, ugly and alone in a single-room occupancy hotel surrounded by interracial and with a Desert Eagle .45 stuck in your mouth. I have seen it in a vision.

How does diabetes affect you getting glaucoma?

Years after being diagnosed with diabetes you can have diabetic retinopathy. In this the veins in the eye will bilge and bleed----even though your diabetes is in good control.The damage is set in motion yrs before your diabetes diagnosis.

Why do so many Post Office workers make chit chat and go as slow as possible?

Some smaller offices try to relate to the customers more in order to continue to receive their business. If you are having an issue with your local office, call and ask to speak to the Postmaster/Station Manager of that office and voice your concerns. It could be something as simple as coaching needed on the part of the employee in order to get them to recognize that they may be taking a little too much time with each customer.

My neighbors have a Macaw bird..?

and it screams pretty often. Is that bird unhappy or what? They have it outside in the shade in a not too big cage.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Career switch from insurance to cosmotology or culinary?

Doing hair, nails, etc, beautifying people has always been something that i like to do. I also have a love for cooking/baking. Im in my early 30's and the reason why I am where i am is because I became a mom young and i needed to work to take care of bills, have insurance, 401k, etc. But I have been doing this for 10 years an I am soooooooo extremely bored. I dread waking up each day to do what i do. I realized that i dont want to do anything in the insurance or sales business. I am done with customer service, meeting quotas im sick of it. I am ready to bring forth my creative side. Im just so concerned that I will switch and what if im not happy. Does anyone know of anyone that has made such a drastic switch so late? I feel like Im jus too old, like i missed the bus or something. Any advice appreciated. Thanks!

What political party am I?

Which political party, hmm? You'd probably fall in line with the Socialist Party, but if you're trying to choose which of the two big parties to join, the Democrats.

What is the most vital physical and temperamental trait of your breed? And why?

For the Doberman, its most important physical characteristic is that it be strong and athletic. The most important temperament trait is that it be fearless and confident because the Doberman is first and foremost a protector and these traits are all necessary to produce a dog capable of doing its job.

The two most reactive families of elements are the halogens and the alkali metals. How do they differ in their

The two most reactive families of elements are the halogens and the alkali metals. How do they differ in their reactivities?

Don't know the name of the film about men flying to the moon made in the beginning of the 20th century.?

I saw a very old film, looked like from the beginning of the 20th century, I think it was based on Verne's story, showing men flying to the moon in a gigantic bullet. I clearly remember that the moon looked like lemon pie, with the mouth and eyes. Does anybody know the name of the film I am talking about?

When is Eminem's new cd going to come out?

someone in my school said that eminem is coming out with a new cd. i tole him that it was called The Re-Up. is it true that he is coming out with a brand new cd?

Why does my finger hurt?

I slammed it in a car door and now it hurts really REALLY REALLY BAD!!!! I feel like Im about to die or somthing!!!! It keeps on making noises.... like "bud ump bud ump bud ump" and so I sucked on it, but then it sounded like I was burping. My friend said that Im nasty because my burps stink. Why do they stink? I think there are alot of things wrong with me... like why am I rambeling on about stuff that has nothing to do with my question??

After 9/11 did the NFL try to capitalize on all the patriotism,you know,all the flag waving from cars...?

I'll tell you what your doing... your trying VERY hard to validate your feeling about the Patriots in VERY inappropriate way. That's horrible. You know... you can dislike a team just because they win, but to go as far as to suggest that is dispicable and disgusting. You Patriot haters preach cl and integrity while the funny thing is that you guys are the ones who lack it most... grow up... please.

Did cambodians receive grants when entering u.s.for reestablishing?

did any cambodians get money to establish themselves and if so how much? is this in fla. or everywhere?

Where can i find thigh high stockings that run small and stay up?

I have bought the victoria secret XS/S and they fall down relentlessly. I even pair them with a garter belt and they will not stay up. Where can I find thigh high stockings that run small??

I'm typing word suffixes into Excel. When I use a hyphen and continue typing, a dropdown box populates...?

The dropdown box lists what I ume are functions (eg. fx CLEAN). Any clues about what this is? Is there a way to disable it? Driving me nuts having to work around its auto-suggestions.

Has anyone read a seprate peace?

I believe that the whole point of this exercise is to see that *you* have read the book. Since you haven't been able to eliminate so much as *one* of the answers, I commend to you At least have the diligence to read the summary and draw your own inferences and conclusions from there.

My birth chart told me that I might have a gift for occultism. What does that mean?

If either of them is in their home sign-Sagittarius for Jupiter or Pisces for Neptune. If they are in the house they rule -9/12. Or if either is the ruler of the chart,ie; is the most active or has the most aspects.

Debt w/ Bally Total fitness?

I joined Bally's Total fitness gym earlier this year and paid my monthly payments on time. However a few months ago I moved out of the area. They continue to charge me and now I think the account is into collections. I have called and let them know that I have moved out of the area and I was told that I hadn't moved far enough. From where I live to the nearest gym is about 25 minutes again was told that it wasnt far enough. What steps could I take to get out of this contract, I am willing to pay them what they say I owe which is about $200. Also they were unable to collect the monthly dues because I lost my credit card and got a new one. I am sure that has something to do with them not being able to collect. HELP!!!

Husband cheated with men for 6 years and I took him back? Is it too late?

Gay, bi...doesn't matter, really; either way, he's got serious issues, and is apparently uninterested in dealing with them. (Maybe he's fixated on other guys' interest in you because he's restraining himself from chasing after them? Again, not that it makes much of a difference: the point is, this is not how marriage should operate.) You're not obligated to explain anything to his family, no matter how much they "come after you" or what he claims the "real" reason is. And you're not obligated to safeguard his fragile emotional stability, either. But you do need to take care of yourself and your mental health, and it doesn't sound to me like you can do that in this relationship.

How can I stay organized this school year?

Hmm. Get lots of folders and tab deviders for your binder. Kepp it stored in special places on your computer too incase you lose it. Hope this helps :)

Driving in france (Uk)?

i want to leave my car at the aiprort in france for most of the year. I no the french dont have to pay road tax. If my car is parked in france most of the year can i just declare the vehicle SORN in the UK, and drive without payin british road tax in france?

Transamerica, should they have cast a real MtF instead of Felicity Huffman?

I haven't seen this movie yet and have wanted to, but have yet to because I was pissed that they didn't cast a real ed person (or like in Soldier's Girl, they cast Lee Pace to play Cally, using make up and other effects)....Did anyone else think this prior to or even after seeing the movie? How did FH's performance measure up? How was the movie in general??

Jonas Brothers-Fans and haters, and people who can care less...Nothing rude?

i love them because they are talented and amazing people. they are really hott too! and plus, they are down-to-earth and dont let the fame get to their head!

Where do you recommend i go in order to see the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy with my naked eyes?

I've had two extremely vivid dreams in the past two weeks where i would look up in the night sky and see part of the Milky Way along with the Andromeda Galaxy in the night sky. I live in New York what are some places around here with 0 light pollution so i can see this stuff in real life rather than my dreams. Only recommend places where you've actually seen it yourself, because i've flown on a plane across the atlantic ocean last april in the middle of the night, saw a lot of stars but didn't see any Milky Way arms, maybe the moon was out that night, or maybe it was right above me i don't know, so only recommend places that you know you can see it there. Places near New York would be recommended

Very depressed worried please help me out please would i be pregnant???as soon as possible?

had with my bf on 16th aug at 12 noon he used condom but for safety side i took i pill(the morning after pill by cipla which is supossed to be taken within 72 hours) on next morning at 10:45, my due date is coming on 26th aug ,,please tel me that i am safe or nt is the above can prevent pregnancy....please i am very worried help me out m i safe ?? and from when will i hav my periods start after taking that i-pill(morning i pill which is supposed to be taking within 72 hours) as my due date is 26 th aug (my last period date was 26th july)please tell me and after taking ipill i didnt vomit or any unusal things happen to me i am normal is it ok or not please all of you tell me and when i can go for pregnancy test after period due date aur when to know that i am nt pregnant exactly when please let me know as soon as possible i wil be very obliged please it was my first expereince thats why i am very much scraed dont want to go to a doctor please tell me

Why is vincent van gogh important today?

i have a report and i need to get would be great if you showed me a website or just a direct answers. thanks :)

What caused my adult-onset allergies?

I am 48 years old, and have never been allergic to Iodine, but just within the last few months, I have developed allergies to iodine as well as alot of the preservatives in some foods. I have always had allergic reactions to something, allergist said it is just a combo of things in my body. That really helped alot.LOL. I keep liquid Benadryl as well as an Epi-Pen with me at all times. I love shrimp and seafood, so I sometimes just take my chances. Usually the Benadryl will take care of it. I have a friend that had always eaten seafood, and three years ago, she ate it and wound up in the hospital for three days. Now she can't have anything with it in it. It as always possible to necome allergic to anything, no matter whether you have ever had a problem or not. GOO LUCK!!!!!!!!!! I love my cats, so I don't know what I would do.

Do u sometimes feel 'life is really going out of control'?


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Am I bribing people? or aren't I?

I enjoy making cupcakes/brownies for the high school band....but today I got a nasty text that said I had no real friends because everyone just liked me for my this true?....My intentions aren't for bribery but does it seem that way?

Can rattlesnake venom be detected in the blood?

There is no routine (or even reference lab) test for rattlesnake venom. Your clinical symptoms will tell the doc if you have been envenomated, and you will be treated accordingly.

DBZ if Android 17 didnt protect himself with that orb, do you think piccolos smart attack woud of killed 17?

Yup... that attack could have destroyed Manhattan, if Piccolo had added a wider range to that attack... I mean, if Piccolo is stronger than a Super Saiyan, and Frieza could destroy a planet when he was weaker than a Super Saiyan (in his 4th form) than obviously 17 would have been blown to smithereens.

Can you get a job at 15 if you are working with your brother who is over 21?

Both my brothers work at village inn.....good food......good feelings....And I'm 15 and would be delighted to work there with them. One of my brothers is 22 and the other is 19. So I was wondering if there was a law in which this would be aloud. I somewhat recollect of hearing of something like this.......also I live in Colorado.

Found a lizard in luggage. What do I do?

id just put him outside tbh. however I'm sure there are places you can advertise to give the lizard away for free.

Jol?redknapp or ramos???Spurs fans/all fans?

Redknapp. One of my favourite managers, and always signs good players. Look at Pompey - James, Campbell, Distin, Johnson, Muntari, Diarra, Defoe, Crouch etc. He always brings in top quality players.

Lennox Lewis top ten heavyweight of all time?

I respect most of the posters here but you're sadly mistaken. Lennox Lewis would have obliterated guys like Joe Frazier and Ken Norton. Joe Frazier was a poor man's Mike Tyson (who by the way, would have KO'ed Smokin Joe in less than a round in his prime). Lennox was a tall boxer who could crush fighters with his powerful overhand right. All time greats who were KO'ed at least 2X: Hearns, Duran, Tyson, Gomez, Joe Louis, Jones Jr. and you want to tell me that they arent top ten of all time? Hopkins, Jones Jr., Holmes, Hagler, Sanchez, Gomez didnt have the best competition either but you cant say they arent top ten. The Ali and Marciano eras are way overrated. The mid 60s version of Ali was the best, no argument there. But Lennox had longevity and beat the best of his time. I believe the top 5 heavyweights of all time are Ali, Lewis, Louis, Foreman and Holyfield based on opposition and accomplishments. Why does everyone always think that fighters of todays era arent among the best??

Why do you think al gore refuses to debate agw skeptics?

climate-gate is real, the scientists on gore's payroll have cooked the books and the scam has been exposed...hey, i guess i just answered my own question! but you can weigh in if you feel like it...

What do you think of my poem?

It's sort of... emotionless. I can see you tried very hard to put in some big words to make it better, but that never really seems to work... try to write something a little more heart-felt.

Bottom 2 pack...?

I am extremely athletic, and in great shape. But because sports go in seasons, i always have down time and i gain a bit of fat on off time. i have my top 4 pack, you can see them clearly if i flex a little bit, but my bottom 2 i've never been able to get the fat off. what should i do? i drink lots of water everyday, once a week i drink a redline and swim and sprint on my own time. i only eat what i need to stay non-hungry and dont eat junk food often.and im starting to drink green tea. im not looking to develop my bottom abs, just get them noticable. thanks.

What women could handle me?

live to the extreme, and many women I have had experiences with could not handle so much energy. I am one who holds himself to a gentlemanly standard, you see I am a human perceptionalist. My only iniquities is my quest for spiritual desire, which I find through exchanges of essence, through various mediums, mostly women. What say you?

Am I fat I wieght 145, i am 5' 5", 15 years old I was just curiouse cause my friend weights 105 & same hieght?

145 at 5'5" might be just a little chubby, not fat though. Would be a good idea to be careful and maybe exercise some to keep in shape, easier to stay that way than lose it later. You are 15 and a strict diet is not really a good idea. Remember you have curves and deposits of fat places that boys don't and you are supposed to have them. It's what makes girls look good. , round , hips. Without them we would be shaped just like the boys

England .?

they are overrated and have bad defenders. much like all of the prem league. john terry is average. they should make it to the semifinals since the best teams are on the other side of the draw. if they don't make it i'm not surprised since they got an easy qualifying group that really didn't test them. they can't beat a really big team so they will not win this time around.

My cat keeps on hissing at our other cat?

We accidentally left our calico cat Mitty outside on the porch all night and let her in this morning. Our tabby cat, Opal, usually licks and cleans Mitty and they chase each other around the house and they usually take naps together, but when Mitty came back from outside, every time Mitty came up to Opal, Opal would hiss at her. Now it is almost night time and Mitty keeps on trying to play with Opal, but Opal keeps on hissing at her every time Mitty goes near her. Opal is now hiding under the bed and won't come out. Is it because since Mitty was left outside she smells different from what Opal is used too?

What was the rap group on mtv? Fat guy with cupid suit.?

Ok a couple of years ago there was this rap group that got alot of play on MTV. They played their videos after tv shows like they do santo gold now. It was 2 or 3 white guys that rapped, i think they even did an MTV unplugged. One of their commercials had the fat one in the group in a cupid suit rapping about how he is jewish or something? I dont really remember it was a while ago. Anyway, anybody know what group im talking about?

He thinks I'll say yes to him but I don't like him anymore?

I know, it was my fault for telling him that I like him, but that was like 2 or 3 weeks ago, and yes, it's bad that I get tired of guys easily. But now this guy likes me and I don't like him anymore. We went to the movies together and it went horrible for me. He's gonna ask me out soon and I dont know what to do because he obviously thinks I'm gonna say yes to him, but I wanna say no. How should I tell him when he aks me out?

I am trying to understand Rastafarianism, and have a few questions I hope some one on here can help??? Thanks?

They are in no way christian's they just adopted christian bible text and applied to former Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selie. Taken from the heraldic symbol of the biblical Tribe of Judah (from which Selie is believed to have descended), the lion represents to Rastafarians Selie as the "King of Kings," as the lion is King; representing the lineage of the King from the Tribes of Israel. The emblem was once worn by the Emperor as a signet. Please don't get this confused with christianity, and they wear the dreds as a religious crown to copy the lion of judah's mane(hair).

Can you even play consistent tennis without good footwork?

i notice when i am not in an open stance for the forehand or when i am too close or far from the ball whatever the footwork may be if it isn't that great or i am not moving around very much i just can't play great tennis. I'm not saying you have to have amazing footwork 100% of the time but it seems like a lot of tennis is based on the footwork and if you can't get that down and you can't hit with your arm or anything(which you aren't supposed to anyway) then it seems really hard to play great tennis, is that true?

How old do i have to be before I can get a tongue split and how much does it cost in the UK?

you amazing person for wanting your tongue split, I wish I was that . I'm not entirely sure, but I would guess you would have to be 18, and it would cost a fair amount.. I'm not sure, but it would be expensive considering it costs like �35 just to get a tongue piercing


Need help writhing a composition three to five paragraphs in length. It must contain an introduction, a body, AND A CONCLUSION It MUST BE ABOUT MY FAVORITE SPORT SOFTBALL

Do Pitbulls get alongwith Lhaso Apso's?

My step son is giving us a red nose pitbull from his litter. We already have a Lhaso Apso, Gizmo that I have had for 6 years. He is my life. I'm not sure that the dog will not hurt or kill my Gizmo. Is this a possiblity in the future even though we are getting him as a puppy in a few weeks. Gizmo on the other hand is going to have alot of attention to let him know he is still loved of course. Any suggestions out there.

Explain the two types of regeneration and what this process does.also name six types of strategies used in the?

explain the two types of regeneration and what this process does. also name six types of strategies used in the regeneration process

Precisez et donnez exemples ,differences entre emotion et pion?

L'�motion est la fa�on dont nous ressentons tous la pion est ce que vous voulez vraiment et de l'amour.

Is the RPG game Skies of Arcadia worth buying?

I've heard alot about the game, and I am interested in knowing if it's any good. If yes, should I get the Dreamcast version, or the Gamecube version?

Why is american going into a deep decline?

only the small eletist seem to be happy with the status quo. i monitor the common folk and they are beginning to put a real how with the corruption in politics and the outrageous governmental spend, creeping in flation and declining job market. the great move to greater diversity seems to be backfiring. really regions of very angry people. could the really revolt and get violent eventually? up til now it has just been the blacks who have become violent if the white working cl hundred million revolt begins things will be dicy all around the world. but it is their business. i am for their best interests most certainly. they have been bamboozled really good or is that bad. whatever. they are all pizzed and are mad as hell. tired of bending over and taking it. cannot blame them. read new york times on this issue. kinda of hopeful, really.

Can Nazism be considered conservative authoritarianism?

I'm writing a paper on the fall of parliamentary democracy in Germany after WWI, and I need this to be clarified for me.

Can you eat bear mace or pepper spray?

Well, there are chemicals in which a pepper spray contains which are hazardous like OC which means Oleoresin Capsi. This chemical is hazardous to the eyes and may cause temporary blindness.

Are there any anime's like Gakuen Alice, Kodocha, YumeiroPatissiere?

Baisicly where the main girl runs into a boy who is just mean and antagonizes her but they end up friends if not more something like that would be great!:)

What does the future hold for Ashkenazi Jews & their genetic diseases, if they don't stop inbreeding?

We'll be just fine, thanks, just like we have been. Some of these even have theutic treatments that allow normal life. Bet that really bugs the sh** out of you, doesn't it??

I need a love song for these two characters?

Well you see me and my friend have these two wolf characters named Akira and Kale, Kale is kind of shy around her but he knows she loves him to. If you have any suggestions, please help :3

Who do you hate...anyone?

i hate grown people who harm and kill children. sorry but may god forgive me but i can not stand to even look at these stupid childish people who were trusted by the children in their life.

ACOUSTIC GUITAR - Trying to learn?

If you want to learn by yourself, look on youtube for tutorials. Best way to start, find a good song that you like, try to listen to the instrumental to figure out if it would be easy or not, then look for a tutorial of that song on youtube. Such as "I'm yours" everybody like that song, its only 4 chords or so, very easy. Don't put the guitar down, keep practicing, I could barely move from chord to chord before, now I can. I started in May and now I can play at least 5 songs already. Good luck to you, also theres a technique for tuning, I'm not good at that so I'm not even gonna say anything. All you need is on Youtube xD

What is nihilism and how is related to the death of God?

nihilism means to not have beliefs. and it is not related to the actual physical death of god, but rather the death of the idea of god. if someone is a nihilist, that means they dont believe in a god. so the more nihilists there are, the fewer people there are who believe in god. if everyone was nihilistic, there would be no belief in god, and so the idea of god would cease to exist or "die".

Why is Neil Cavuto a neo con idiot? Explanation inside.?

They tell a lot of people what they want to hear, that's why they do well. It doesn't mean they are objective (or "fair and balanced"). In general, US TV networks are poor, they have lost a great deal of journalistic integrity in the last few years--even CNN. Get your news from the BBC or one of the other international news agencies.


Come on guys, lets be honest here. Just like Dogs, being that some of you are, or have been lol men mark their territory right? Well, this dude I've been talking to a Long while now, me and him had something like a "text fight" one day lol I didnt speak to him, he didnt say nothing to me once it was over for about 2 1/2 days. Then one day i get off work, im chillin, on the phone and i hear tapping at my door. The fool pops up at my house! Unannounced! and im thinking like hmm, something is up. Cuz a part of my text included me saying I was done with him.why did he do that? Then, On several occasions, he has given me hickeys, but mostly he puts them on my thigh or my side(hip area). what is up with this dude?

Friday, August 12, 2011

What's with "Twilight"?

It's not a question of getting dumber. It's a fad just like harry potter was. It'll go away eventually. It's also a form of escapism. Not one I personally like but never the less it is.

Anatomy and Physiology Multiple Choice Question?

You might want to refer to an anatomy text and/or physiology text. The filtrate has already been through the loop of Henle at this point, and the DCT empties into the collecting duct.

If giving tax breaks to the rich gives incentive to expand businesses and create new jobs...?

...then why is the unemployment rate spiking and why are jobs being outsourced overseas at an unprecedented rate? Bush has been cutting taxes for the wealthy for several years now, so what have the positive benefits been for us as a nation?

Installing Tar.GZ packages in Ubuntu 11.04?

Right-click> Extract> Click the most likely file that appears, will probably end in .sh or .deb

Who invented religion?

I'm deeply disheartened by this religions,this is a great hindrance to mankind as it took so many lives in the past,Now in modern times too people drain their precious time by performing various waste rituals of religion,This time which is wasted would have been put to productive uses & make the world still better,Doesn't the world would be better place in the past & in the present too without any religion.

Men, please help me understand?

Dear Jasmine, I believe that the advice that you are getting is all good but what concerns me is that you say 'this keeps rearing it's ugly head'. Don't yse why he does this just ask yourself and him.......does he think it's right to treat you in this way?......and would he feel if the rolls were reversed. You must be hurting like mad - let him know how you feel - short and sweet, something like 'I am really worried about our future together due to the way you act sometimes, I am not sure if I can go through this again......can we discuss this? Meet with him on neutral ground to discuss the situation, ask him 'open' questions, listen carefully to his answers, no need to say much yourself - remember you are the one who needs to know that he realises he has hurt you and will do everything he can to avoid hurting you again. Your happiness should be a priority for him. I give this advice from personal experience and from my heart. I have put up with this type of treatment for 7 years - engagement etc.... but the last time he left for his 'cave' was the last time, 6 months ago. I still hurt dreadfully and have received the usual texts from him...'why couldn't we get on - I miss you like crazy'! But this time I'm being strong - it would take an enormous gesture on his part to win me back - but do you know what? - after 7 years, I don't think he is capable of thinking of anyone except himself. Please be careful, think about yourself - as he may not be able to. Hopefully, when faced with the truth, he might realise the effect of his actions and do something about it. Be strong and good luck.

What is Pittsburgh known for?

I am going to be traveling to Shanghai China, and I am supposed to bring a gift from my hometown. However, I don't know what Pittsburgh is known for from an outsiders perspective. I feel kinda funny bringing a bottle of Heinz Ketchup with me to China, so any other ideas for what Pittsburgh is known for?

Should chickpeas still have a bit of a crunch when fully cooked?

Bought a bag of dried chickpeas. They have been cooking for nearly three hours now. I did not pre-soak them. They are fully cooked on the inside, yet the outer bit still has a little bit of a crunch. No where near the crunch for breaking your teeth on, but the beans definitely have a texture. I have never gotten a canned version of chickpeas where they had a crunch.

Is political Islam is an increasing threat to liberal western societies?

Trust me I really don't think the fact she was black had much to do with it or that the threat was from a Muslim regarding Islam. Seriously you don't think Christians threaten those writers too? Don't be Naive, Lil. I bet even the Hindus would be offended.

Noisy Computer Fan (specific issue)?

My grandfather has been complaining about a noisy computer fan. One of his computer-knowledgeable friends told him that it was the CPU fan (the one under the green cover in the Dell 4600). Three to four years ago, we ordered two Dells 4600s. One of them is in my house and other is my grandfathers. The configurations are essentially the same with the exception, I have a x1600 ATI and he has a 5200fx Nvidia, and I have a sound card. I have a 2.4 GHz and he has a 2.8GHz Pent 4. Now I don't know if the sound was always this loud but it is noticably louder than on my PC. What I've noticed is that if I take off the PC cover and open up the green CPU cover while the computer is resting on its side, the fan does not make noise. As soon as I put it right side up, close the green cover, and close the PC cover, the fan gradually increases noisewise.

Psychiatric help please?

last night in bed i was laying bed in the dark looking at the ceiling as usual i saw a reddish static that seems to spread around like when light hits water and projects the patterns of the water on something. i had never really tried to focus on it until yesterday. When i started to focus on it the static started to get more visible and turn into Mitsubishi signs or geometric shapes that connected to each other and where all moving together and turning into more intricate shapes when i focused on them for to long and tried to get my normal vision back the shapes remained witch slightly scared me thinking they wouldn't go away after about 20 seconds they did and it went back to the reddish static. The reason i am posting is this is because the geometric shapes were so identifiable and clear and could be the cause of something else. I also experimented allot with dxm earlier in my life and allot of MDMA use as well i know these can cause hppd but this seems to be alot more unique to what i have read about hppd.

What is the latest driver I can download?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Kidneys or period? Involving fourwheeler accident?

Okay well my last period was June 8. Then on June 26 i flew off my fourwheeler and hurt my back (I landed on it and knocked the wind out of me). Well like monday my i got very bad headaches and my mom said i might have got a slight concusion and when it happened my grandma told me to watch for bleeding when i pee and then june 30 i started bleeding and i thought it was my period but now im not sure becuz i quit bleedin the day after so i was wondering if it was my period or what my grandma thought about me injuring my kidneys?? please help

Where Can I Get Lip Ring Jewelry Like Miyavi?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you have any sympathy for Katie Price?

I'm not going to bother saying whether or not I have any sympathy, as this is just another money spinner. The magazine stories of drunkenness and cruelty on her part, will no doubt net thousands. Then we'll have Pinky and Perky get back together Kerching! more money for the ugly troll.

Early riser .. or Night owl ??

My candle just burnt at both ends ... And now I have a glorious day in the garden and making appointments.... Anyone else hoping this is a sign fer the summer ?

Whats's with Michelangelo and painting on walls?

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (March 6, 1475 – February 18, 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo, was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet and engineer. Despite his low opinion of painting, Michelangelo also created two of the most influential works in fresco in the history of Western art: the scenes from Genesis on the ceiling and The Last Judgement on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.

Why do liberals ignore Hauser's law of economics when it comes to tax policy? Does taxing everyone to death?

Because Hauser used real world economics and liberals hate anything that involves facts or reality in my opinion

Whats the name of the game i played online!?

I played a really fun online game the other day where there was this little blue guy with a big head and slanted eyes was supposed to have damage inflicted onto him by setting up mines and turrets in this small white room and to start, you put a little plastic duck right next to him and he goes the other way. anyone know?!

Help me?!? i got something stuck in my keyhole and i need to get it out!!?

i got something stuck in my keyhole and i need a way to get it out or a good lie to say to my mom. please help me!!

Rate/Fix my Infernity Deck: (Rate it from 1-5)?

your deck is good but it would be better if you first removed extra fusion or synchro from extra deck and also do not put the same spell card always cause it will be repeated alot

My cat caught a mourning Dove and punctured it's wing. How do I care fo it?

The vet should be ashamed of self. All birds that are attacked by cats need medical attention asap as cat saliva is toxic to birds. The bird needs to be seen by vet that sees injured wildlife and there are many that will or they will refer you to a wildlife rehabber in your area and you can take there. This is free for all wildlife. They will evaluate injury and start meds asap as infection that can be fatal sets in 48 hours of less. Also need to make sure wing is not broken. For now keep bird warm. Put in box or makeshift nest with heating pad set on low underneath enclosure. offer seed and water and keep cage or box half covered as stress can kill as fast as the injury. If still bleeding put flour on the wound to stop bleeding but don't let bird breath it in. Good luck and hats off for caring for it.

Who is to say that jesus didn't have a?

Well he could have. I'm a Christan but that's not the reason why I don't think he did. He was Jesus, and according to the bible he was sinless. So since lust and sleeping with someone you dont really love just for plesure is a sin, he would never have slept with randome woman. But if he loved Mary Magdalene it is a possibility he had a child with her. I just don't think he did because the bible never sais he did. And it almost decribes his whole life from beginning to end. When reading the bible Jesus does seem very loving toward her, but he was Jesus. He loved everybody. Guys kissed each other and people said thou' back in those days so how they acted was very different than today. But it never mentions him marring her, and a big 'no no' is having a child before your married. And since Jesus is sinless he didn't have a child with Mary Magdalene. And why would the monks (the writers of the bible) not but in Jesus getting married into the bible? It's not a sin to be married, even back then. But that's just my rational. You can believe anything you want. For all I know I could be wrong big time. But that's the great thing about free will; which is a big deal in the bible. Free will gives us the ability to make any choice we want and live any way we want to live. Something a lot of other believers forget about now days. Hope I was a help!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tell me your story, I want to hear from other people.?

I've actually had two major heart's hard to chose the worst...had an ex-husband who cheated and left me for a co-worker....but I saw it coming and had time to emotionally prepare by the time he officially left my daughter and I. The one I'd have to chose as my worst heartbreak was the one I didn't see coming at all. I had met a guy on line and talked to him for months. We'd talk for hours on the phone and he came to visit me for a week since we lived several states apart. It was one of the best weeks in my life and we believed we were falling in-love...or atleast I did. He came to live with me a year later and everything was great at first. He had neglected to tell me that he was a recovering drug addict and ended up relapsing and stealing from me and my daughter. Once I found out I offered to send him to detox and rehab, he agreed, but one day while I was in the shower he asked the neighbor for a ride to the local sonic (this was when I lived down south). I waited all nite for him and then went to look in his drawer and saw it was empty, so was the photos he had in the garage. I called his brother and asked if he knew anything and was informed that he posted an ad on Craiglist for a ride back add insult to injury this was after he told me he loved me and wanted to marry me just the day before...and to make it worse a month later I discovered he stole all my daughters sneakers that she had never wore for school since she was away for the summer, as well as my expensive pocketbooks...he also stole from people in my neighborhood...I cried for months...but after all is said and done, I realize that everything happens for a reason and the experience made me stronger. I am in a happy and healthy relationship now and sincerely wish him the best. He has an illness that would've infected me and my daughter if he hadn't had left.

Is Obama 'hiding' his birth certificate?

Not only the birth record but all his personal records are sealed and never intended to be public I believe it's until 2050

I can't talk to anybody?

well if it's bothering you so much you should tell your tutor. besides the person who did this to you can get charged. and i'm sorry that this happened to you but you better tell someone fast and it's for the best. it might be hard but you can do it =) good luck

How is my thesis? is it right?

In the novels Dracula by Bram Stoker and The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux, the characters Dracula and Erik fulfill their intense desires with impulsive and emotional actions that tragically end with failure. Through these characters it is evident that one must conquer their emotions and think logically or he/she will face dissatisfaction, betrayal, and hopelessness.

Any good songs dedicated to moms?

check it out a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Anyone know what happened to Crab Chat..?

I would really like to know what happened to Crab Chat? It was a game on which you could chat to people and waddle around as a crab. It's from the creators of Club Penguin, I'm sure you know what that is. Anyone know what happened to it, was it canceled or took over? Just wondering, because I can't find it anywhere. I played it when I was 12, I am now 15. Thanks for all your answers.

What are the people's names in this movie?

Okay, in the Proud Family Movie, what are those peanut people's names? the one's with the weird heads? its not Carver, thats the evil scientist. but what are the peanut's names?

Cartilage Piercing....Scabbing, Bleeding, Sticking to Backing of Earring...Help?

wellll.. that's usually what happens. i got mine pierced about a year & a half ago. i couldnt even sleep on it for almost 2 months. just keep cleaning it & it'll stop hurting & bleeding eventually. :)

Need help with the book Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Questions on details?

What is the first name of the four sisters father? When did the Civil War end? When Josephine won the contest for her book did they know that it was a girl writing it. How many children did Laurie and Amy have? What was the name of the Hummel Child that died of scarlet fever?

Why is it petty things like petty theft makes me more angry than certain bigger crimes?

That's an interesting question, and I myself can relate. My opinion of why it's so irritating is simply that the perpetrators are potentially upsetting someone for such a tiny gain. They are committing ethically wrong acts, and for what? Maybe part of it is that the petty thefts never get caught, that the police can take more action. Personally I think the reason lies in the immorality of those who steal. It seems to me that anyone committing an unethical act, (even if it doesn't exactly hurt someone it's still wrong), must have a messed-up moral comp if they get such little gain. Interesting, though.

What's the quickest, safest driving route from Sacramento to San Bernardino?

I'll be driving from the Sacramento area to San Bernardino by myself with two toddlers and was wondering what the safest, shortest route is?

Custom hair won't show up on the sims 2? Help!?

Okay, what you have done is good, as long as they are in the right folder (the downloads one in the Sims 2 file) then that's good. What you need to do know is extract the files. Right click on the zip file and press extract here or unzip. Then that's it. Do that for all of them.

If I payed my rent on time can my landlord legally put padlocks on the door to keep me out?

We didn't have to sign a lease and he said the house was abandoned because the power had been cut off. I payed the rent on time but since there was a window broke he said we were trying to get out of paying for the windows so I can't get my stuff out until the Windows are fixed. It's is my ex boyfriends trailer and when he kicked me out he was nice enough to let me keep the stuff there until I had a place to put all mine and my baby's stuff. I payed rent on the 2nd of july and he locked the house on the 7th, and I have been onto him about getting all my stuff out since.

Help with a sickly hamster?

My teddy bear hamster suddenly became sick today. I tried to wake her up and she just flumped over. Then I realized that she was breathing really hard with her mouth open and her eyes are glued shut. I gave her a quick wipe with a warm towel to open her eyes up and she gradually regained composure. She is still breathing hard and now she is trying to walk around and when she tries, sometimes her bottom half flips over. She is 2 yrs old. I recently changed to pine bedding as well from the other softer bedding. Oh and she is still eating and drinking fine. Any help is appreciated!

How do I sue a business that is located in another state? This would be a small claims court case.?

The amount is $5,000. The claimant (plaintiff) is located in Miami, Florida, while the defendant is located in New York City. The contract was made verbally, over the phone. The goods were shipped to New York and sold but never paid for. The plaintiff is a Corporation and the defendant is an individual who owns a business, but the business is not incorporated. I also need to know if I can serve the defendant in person, or since he is in another state, have the Sheriff of that county, serve him the papers. Do I file the claim here in Florida or in New York?

Male atiel aggression?

We have a male atiel i know he is a male because he is vibrant in color and his cheeks are a bright orangeish color. He shares a cage with the female she is very tame and loveable they are both brother and sister because they came from the same mother. Well the thing about the male is that we fed him from day one that he was born btw they are almost 2 years old. But he is very aggressive towards people They share a huge cage so they have room to roam around in it But he is as well aggressive towards the female once it comes to them eating so we have 2 food bowls and one water bowl for them but he seems to not want her to eat. We have tryed to tame him but there is nothing more we can do. Does anyone have a idea on how we could get him to finally calm down and be nice? And yes we do try to get him out of the cage as much as possible.

I need help crocheting?

You need to learn the abbreviations that are used in crochet patterns. Try getting a book for beginners around the yarn section in a local art store. You have to start simply when you first begin doing anything. You can't jump right off into the deep end into complicated patterns and expect to know what's going on. ;-)

Am I a good parent?...or...?

David Lee Roth Van Halen or Sammy Lee Hagar Van Halen - Id answer the rest - but now I have to quickly wikipedia them.

How to clean paintbrushes with oil paint?

Put the turpentine (turpentinoid) in a gl jar. Do not store it in a plastic container, it will eat through the plastic. Dip your brush in the turpentine and the turpentine should remove the paint. Afterwards, wash the brush in a solution of dish soap (regular old ajax or palmolive) and water. If the brush has dried in paint, go and buy a brush cleaner/conditioner. They usually carry them at places like Michael's craft stores among other places.

What's a good party idea for 15 year olds?

What about a cly "ladies" party? Have your friends over, make some mock tails and appetizers, paint your nails, do hair and makeup and then head to a movie.

What wire do I connect the illumination wire to?

I am installing a Song Xplod CDX-GT440U. The wire connection that came with the receiver has 13 wires. I purchased a harness that has 14 wires (my car also has 14 wires including the orange illumination). All of the wires are connected except for the illumination (orange) wire. What wire do I connect the illumination wire to or what do I do with it? All wires are connected except for that extra one.

Sims 3 flirtation question?

I was playing Sims 3 on the Xbox and I realized that the Sims will flirt with everybody ( even if they don't have flirtatious as a trait) I was wondering is it possible for a Sim to reject somebody? Or will the Sims just flirt with everybody

Is a Puerto Rican driver's license valid in the state of Florida?

I'll be moving to Sarasota this coming Fall, and I have plans to buy a car there. Will my driver's license still be valid or will I have to get one from the state of Florida?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tiny gray clouds appearing in my vision?

When I look up at the sky or the road while i'm driving sometimes, I will see what look like a bunch of little grey clouds flying toward my center of focus. it reminds me of looking into a wormhole or something, everything being sucked into the center. it doesn't affect my vision a whole lot, because they're transparent, and they only really appear around my center of focus, so my peripheral vision is fine. is this a danger to the health of my eyes? should I seek medical attention? thank you

I feel like a pig, please help me find the brightside to all of this =|?

don't worry, you're 14, it won't hurt you that much. as for the 8 pounds, your weight changes throughout the day because of your body's water levels. weigh yourself tomorrow morning, and i'm willing to bet you'll be back to your regular weight. as for the food, it happens to everyone; at least you went for a run right?

Hi there, i want to rent a convertible car in Burbank california and the rental will be on my name, i was wond?

Hi there, i want to rent a convertible car in Burbank california and the rental will be on my name, i was wondering if my girlfriend can also drivie it? she has her own insurance, but her name is not on the contract. what do you guys think?

My crush is going to aks me out but i have to say no...?

ok there is this guy in my school that says he fancies me. he is popular. i am not!. he is got lots of friends, and i don't!. my parents are VERY stricted about dating and would never let me date until i am 18. i really like him but i have to say no because i know that my parents would never allow me to date cuz they think it would disrupt my studies and my Future career path. i really like him and if he does ask me out what do i say???. i don't really want to say no but i know i definitely have to cuz of my parents! and it sucks!

JG M4 S-System vs. G&G UMG?

I am buying a airsoft gun soon and am switching from paintball. Which gun would you think is better for a kid like me? I am 12 years old and about 4'11". My favorite gun is the UMP 45 but its more expensive than the JG. I also like it because it's smaller and lighter but the M4 got better reviews. Please help me!!!!

Is anyone else enjoying the Osaka athletic games like I am?

I would also like to know which state the guy who won in throwing something (please excuse me I don't remember what it's called, not discus is it?) is from. His surname is Hoffa.

Which name do you like best and why?

I really like Raine but Id do Rayne....And I only like the spelling difference because my last name is Racine LOL so Raine is similar....but you won't be hangin out with me haha......There are many Rivers out there but never a Rayne :) Its beautiful, good choice

As part of immigration to Canada I have sent my pport for stamping visa. Its almost 7 weeks now.?

How long will it take to get back the pports? It is processed in London and sent to Canadian emby in Riyadh for delivery. Is there any one who have experienced this before? How long did it take for you?

DS problem.. i wanna play COD mobilized wi-fi read more details?

Okay so i go on wi-fi setup right and nintendo wi-fi connection setup then i press connection 1 and search for an access point and it finds my router and its blue cause i didnt put a stupid lock on it then it trys to connect for a few seconds then it says Error Code 51300 wdf? help btw im near my router

I just learnd a bout somthing new that has reasently been discovered?

has anny one else herd about roods i just seen a film clip a bout theas knew flying creatchers that fly at speeds of seven to nine hundret miles an houre i want to know if you think this is just a nother mith or do we findly have the tenlge to see them .i cant spell sos

What do you think of these for a teenager?

I don't personally care for them, but if you like them then get them. No point in wasting your life trying to keep up with what's "in".

Who spray paints the graffiti along the highways in the inner city?

I have always wondered this. I've worked in Detroit for nearly my entire career, and they never clean it up, but someone always comes along and freshens it up or covers it and paints something new. This spring we have all kinds of artwork with interesting and/or profane four-letter words, some I've never heard of before, decorating our freeways. Is there a community of artists out there? Do they ever catch and arrest anyone for this?

Where are the alumi of the LLA, Ooty?

i want to pursue photography as my career.. i need expert suggestions on this as this LLA is found to be one of the bst indian photography institutes.

Car accident? How much should I expect when I settle?

I was in an accident 6 months ago (it was the other persons fault) and I am still going to the chriopractor and doing physical therapy, I got my car paid off which was totalled and this accident has changed my life and many of my plans were changed due to it. Im still in pain and have a scar how much money should I be expecting for my pain and suffering since I already got my property damage. Will I have to pay my medical bills with this money? The other insurance is a branch of allstate (i dont know if that helps)

How to cure a horse that slobbers while eatin gain from a pan?

Yeah check teeth but FYI all of my horses slobber and their fine but is your horse old?That could be it.Some horses that are older can be pretty lazy so thats how they eat.

Is something wrong with my cat?

I have 2 cats. 1 is all black and 3-4 years old. My mom gave her to me and my grandparents because my little brother was always pulling her tail. When we got her she loved to play. The other one is gray/white striped 2-3 years old. So we went to the animal shelter a few years ago and got her. She was a little 5 month old kitten. Super playful. Well ever since she came into the house the oldest one, Anubis, has been acting strange. When she goes to the bathroom, she will never touch the litter. Always standing on the side. And she hardly eats. The younger one, Mittens, is a pig! So when Mittens is eating we try to put a bowl in another part of the house and get Anubis to eat. And they do not like each other very much. They use to fight, but now they ignore each other. She has become very distant. She is not so skinny to where you can see her bones though. She eats a tiny bit at night. We put a scoop down for her, but she only takes a few bites. My 'papa' grew up with lots of cat's and he said that 'she does not have very much longer to live.' I asked why and he said 'you can just tell.' Is something wrong with her?

Help where can I find a girlfriend at?

Well I think i'm ready to begin dating and meeting cute girls now. I choke the chicken the couple times a day and its getting boring and I would like to have a special friend to share this sacred moment with. Anyways i'm looking for a hot girl about 5 foot 6 inches, double D cup and legs to kill. I'm kinda ugly so maybe some tips on how to look better would be nice too. where can i meet these beautiful women at???

Are Israelis allowed to carry firearms?

I'm not Jewish, so I don't know the particulars of your country's gun laws. Since all Jewish males are required to serve in the IDF, does that mean after their service is completed, they have the right to carry? What limits are there? I saw video of those Arab children stoning a car in East Jerusalem last week--if that had happened to me I would have shot those Arab boys in the head. At least here in America, self-defense is still not considered politically incorrect.

I have a 2003 Dodge Durango SXT and the air will only blow out at my feet no matter where I put the controls.?

The air blows out cold and full blast It just won't come out the air vents. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Does Sandboxie protect against Keyloggers?

You are relatively safe, however there are still chances to be infected. Sandboxie protects from small subset of threats. Other threats can come through firewall vulnerabilities, flash drives, etc.

How to kill bedbug and how long does bedbug live?

This is a loaded question (haha). Bedbug treatments are extensive and require a lot of knowledge. There are many ways to kill Bedbugs from chemical to non-chemical treatments. I recommend that you call a professional if you have a problem. I have included a link to my site which has a lot of information.

How long does anaesthetic stay in your system for?

I am having an operation under general anaesthetic. The surgery will take about 45 minutes to perform. How long do they usually put you to sleep for, and when you wake up, how long do you stay drowsy for? Why does someone need to be with me for 24 hours?

What non-canonical "gospels" are there besides those listed below?

These aren't gnostic gospels but have been used by church's. The Lost books of the Bible & The Forgotten books of Eden.

750 cal or less diet?

750 calories sure isn't a lot. You'll probably get sick during your exercising. You shouldn't worry so much about calories as much as foods with fat and sugar. Don't drink sodas or energy drinks. And make sure to get protein in that "diet."

14 year old girl still wetting the bed =(?

well you can try going to the bathroom more often during the day and before you go to sleep. and i know this is going to sound weird but you can wear a pamper just for when your sleeping. you might also have a blater(?) problem. dont worry im sure it normal.

How do I convince my mother that we need a bigger bed?

While she's asleep in the middle of the night, roll on top of her and grab her or her pu$$y. Pretend to be asleep when she wakes up. She'll probably scream in horror and will take the hint. Unless she enjoys it. In that case, she needs a bed at the psychiatrist.

What Xbox 360 game should i buy?

Dead Space or Dead Space 2. i have never played them but i have watched them. combine bioshock, fallout 3, halo, silent hill, m effect, and dantes inferno and you have Daed Space. it is a Horror/action/adventure/RPG. it isnt quite my cup of tea but you may like it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Who agrees that Gaza will now become part of Israel?

Operation Cast Lead is moving forward. IDF are on the ground. Gaza will be part of Israel. Gaza had it's chance but no they choose guns and suicide as a way out. There will never be an independent Palestine State! Operation Cast Lead has been effective, clean, efficient. God Bless Israel, the IAF, IDF and the Jewish Race.

Advice on group projects please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Sorry if I posted this question twice. Anyway we have to do a group project in spanish cl. I am not close friends with most of the cl but Im friendly with most of them. Unfortuantly the teacher picked our groups and she told me that she made sure i was in this one. hse put in a groups with the most obnxoius person in the cl. He is only good for a few laughs. Htis kid doesnt do anything all he did was complain about how much he hate his group which is really uncomfortable and embaring. He wont even tlak to me or the other irl in our group. Its due in a week and Im stressed out because we are suppost to meet up and make a video but i really dont want to do anything with him. He is so rude but I need to get a good grade. Plus I really hate video projects. Does anyone have any advice. Im so stressed out.

Is It True About Fable III Not Having Any Menus For Every Item?

I was talking to a friend of mine who also enjoys playing Fable, and he told me that Fable III was not going to have any menus for any of the items such as clothing, potions, weapons, etc. He also said that in order to access items, you would have to go to stores and whatever. But in my thoughts and opinion was that they might create a satchel of some sort or a chest to store everything in like Diablo II. But to the point, is this all true about the menus?

Girls Lacrosse Stick?

I really want a Black and Pink Lacrosse stick. There is the stx seven series xen but I can't find it on sale anywhere except a few places that say the black and pink is sold out. Any other sticks that are black and pink? Or any places where I could buy the seven series?

Video game help?

I am obsessed with the Jak games for PS2 (Jak and Daxter, Jak II, Jak III, Jak X) and sadly, have beaten them all. I hate all the just random shooting games (and don't try to talk me out of this opinion) with no storyline (and if there is one, a bad one) like Ghost Recon, Halo, and Call of Duty. Plus racing games; those things suck. Any video game suggestions? (And yes, I've already played (and beaten) the Rachet and Clank and the Crash Bandicoot series-es).

Good brand of dog food for my pup?

kirkland signature brands, dog food ysis gives them a 3 star and they are the same price as big name brands like pedigree, any thoughts?

In gilmore girls, is there an episode of rory growin up, as a child?

No,but in the special features of gilmore girls season 3 theres a deleted scene of lorelai and rory walking around the inn and they have flashbacks to rory as a kid and lorelai raising her.

If you could only own ONE handgun, a la Washington D.C. or Chicago, what would it be?

I would probably get a 40 S&W. It's a little more powerful than the 9mm for self defense. The bullets are more expensive, but still, it is cool to have a bigger gun anyway.

How to get rid of a 4 month old car?

I've owned a '06 scion xB since Feb '07 and am making payments to Toyota Financial. I'm trying to get rid of it as fast as possible but I don't know how to do that (don't want to trade-in)? Do dealers buy cars back? or am I forced to sell privately (which I really don't want to waste the time with)? Does anyone have any tips, suggestions or options I could use?

How would you objectively determine whether or not an alleged recording of "sounds of Hell" is genuine?

Maybe they haven�t experienced enough hoaxes in their lives. I used to enjoy falling for these things, but now I see that everything always has a rational explanation, I disappointedly don�t believe anything anymore.

I bought a sari on holiday in India. Would it be offensive of me to dress up as an Indian girl for Halloween?

No I am indian ( well american-born) and actually I am impressed that you want to embrace indian culture on a day of American culture. In fact, I actually find it flattering. Plus it makes a great original costume!

Call of duty modern warfare 2 kill streaks?

ok why can't i have the the care package and the counter UAV at the same time its seems like you can't have the kill streaks that are next to each other do you agree?

I have Acute Clinical Depression I've had it for nearly 3 years,?

I was recently admitted to a psychiatric unit for 8 days due to deterioration in mental state, feelings of Hopelessness and Suicidal ideation, They changed my meds from Fluoxatine 40mgs to Mirtazapine 30mgs, and put me on Diazepam 5mgs 3 times a day, I was self harming before I went in, and now it's gotten worse, I'm in a terrible way, I don't leave my room, I'm Agoraphobic, and all I do is cry all the time, and I hate myself for doing it, So the more I cry and feel down the worse I harm myself, I keep going to the Docs, but they say I'll get over it in time, I'm a complete wreck and don't know where to turn, any help would be great x

What song was playing on Dexter Season 3 Ep. 2 - "Finding Freebo" when Dexter went into the house & got Freebo?

hehe damn bro i just asked the same question recently haha, i guess everyone loves this song.huh? unfortunately i haven't been able to find its title or even the artist either. It did sound like "crash and burn" though. Hopefully someone can find it which i'm sure eventually we will, it sounded like a cool song.

Survey/Poll: What do you believe in, Aliens or Ghosts?

lol what? yeah i guess i believe in aliens, but I don't believe they've ever come here and I don't believe in ghosts at all :-P

Where dose one obtain vinyl for making toys figurines etc etc. I have looked and looked?

I would like to start a line of dolls mostly for nieces and my own daughter. I recently started sculpting clay figures but they are breakable and there for can not be played with. I have searches craft stores whole sale and can not find a material to make plastic, vinyl or soft unbreakable toys.

What is the advantage of contentment?

To be happy and to enjoy what you have now, not striving and competing for more..... to be able to stop and smell the roses.... and to be happy in that tiny moment for nothing more. How wonderful.

Question about schizophrenia?

Hello, I am a 25 year-old caucasian male who has had major depression for about 6-7 years; i have been treated with some success for the past year or so; my psychiatrist recently noted his concern, however, that I was demonstrating certain early signs of schizophrenia; notably the so-called negative symptoms, i.e. lack of warmth, motivation or ambition, lack of emotional responsiveness, flat affect, little concern about socializing with others or developing intimate relationships; also, he mentioned my continuing insomnia as well; I do not currently experience any "positive" symptoms of schizophrenia, such as auditory or visual hallucinations, or psychosis; my question is, what is the likelihood I will develop schizophrenia in the months/years ahead? My doctor said "unlikely" because I am a little old--25-- and he stated that it is most likely schizoid personality disorder; how accurate is this, am i really too "old", and where can I find info on schizophrenia and related disorders?

University of Rochester? McGill University? Swarthmore College?

Anyone attend any of these schools? I've been doing a lot of research, visited U of R, am going to visit McGill within a few weeks, and am planning to visit Swarthmore soon, among others. I'm only a junior, but want to have things narrowed down pretty well by deciding time next year. I'm interested in linguistics, anthropology, and study abroad, but would like pretty much any general information as well. So, if anyone has good info about any of the three schools, that would be wonderful. Thank you very much in advance.

How can I watch this video?

I wanna watch spongebob episodes from but it says "Sorry. this video is unavailable from your location" I'm from Mongolia. I don't understand why not? i'm from Asia so what? Help me please. :(

Help.... it is my birthday and i need a hot spot for kids and older people to enjoy.?

i need nice morden place to eat at...... in washington like olympia area....... hurry i need some ideas in less than an hour

McCain vs. Obama in a boxing match...who wins?

for a black man Obama is not very coordinated and is not a street fighter by any means. McCain is old but he is street savvy and would probably drop BHO in a New York minute.

How can you fight the fattest sumo wrestler like Emanuel Yabrauh in mma ring fight ?

i think he looks pretty fat and weighed 558 but he still big and i m sure he has some weakness, so can you find it by your experience .

How did this Gideon guy corner the motel market?

He offered them free bibles and the people decided that free bibles made them look good. He probably started in the rural areas where everybody believed in God.

Pictorial representation - Pls help me out.?

Well i need your help to find out and make a pictorial representaion of how calcutta grew from a small fishing village to the capital of british india.

I have a question about rocketmail e-mail?

ya as far i as i can get u my answer fr ur question is the account rules are u need to use only alphabets between a to z and numbers 0-9 and most impotant thing is that u r suppouse to use punctuation marks which he mentioned are only once as u writen ur model activation code contains more than one fullstop.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why won't my computer get rid of itunes?

I just got a new ipod touch, and it said in order to synch, I had to get the newest itunes, so i did but then it said it couldn't uninstall the old one, so I tried to manually uninstall from "ADD/REMOVE programs" on the control panel but it says it can't find the .msi files to uninstall the applications, so i went directly to the program files through C://ProgramFiles and threw it away, and I was able to remove everything but part of bonjour. I tried to install again and it said I hadn't got rid of quicktime and that i need to do that in order for it to install, but quicktime is gone. I recently did a system restore because of an svchost problem i kept having, could this be affecting it?

Is the humerus inferior, superior or medial to the radius?

It isn't any of those actually. When talking about limbs, you use distal or proximal. Proximal means closer to the point of origin. So the Humerous is proximal to the radius, because it is closer to the origin. The radius is distal to the Humerous. But out of inferior, superior, or medial, superior is closest.

Did you ever think SPURS would finish above ARSENAL this season?

I just laughed at people suggesting this LOL. I remember people on here and elsewhere laughed at me for saying Arsenal would win the League. Anyways with Ramos Spurs are a bit better.

Help With some Lit Questions please?!?

1 gloomy.2they are staine with soot.3he carves tombstones.4dilapidated.5london experienced fog...6 carry on dude!! !!

I want to cook chicken lettuce wrap & i need help with 1 ingredient ......?

i'm trying to replace or find a substitution for dry Sherry cooking wine. does anybody know what's the closest one and if possible, something that i can already find in our kitchen. but if i need to go to the grocery store, stater bros. & vons is the closest from our house. i've checked stater bros. & they don't carry that item. pleaseeeee..........i need it for tomorrow. thank you for any helpful suggestions =)

Math Work please Help!!?

Someone should put you in a headlock because your question is totally ridiculous! Look at the length! What a goofball!


Definately E) None of the above. I can hear my arteries clogging just from reading all those fast food names.

In Harry Potter, what happened to the other characters after 19 years?

i really want to know what happened to Umbridge, Cho Chang , Fudge , Krum, Luna, Minister of Magic, the Weasleys , Harry Hermoine Ron work, Hagrid........... and others

How fracture toughness is defferent from strenght?

Materials can have high strength but be brittle. (For instance, gl, which has considerable tensile strength but is easily shattered.) Brittle materials are prone to breaking due to stress concentration, which can result in cracking. Once a crack starts it propagates easily through brittle materials. Also, it takes less impact energy to break a brittle material because it doesn't yield (deform) the way ductile materials do. Yielding absorbs some of the impact energy. (See the ref.).

Please read this and tell me if you think I need to correct the grammar or if I should leave it as is?

I like it. I prefer naturalistic, actually. I write that way a lot because I feel that it makes the story more believable. When the sentences are always long and complicated it makes the story boring and hard to keep up with sometimes. I like to mix the two and make a formally naturalistic style.

What do you think about music video girl?

i feel very insecure when i see those girls in music videos like lil wayne, snoop dogg, akon, young berg, etc. because they are so pretty and they have a wonderful life and they get to sleep with HOTT rappers and i want to be like them even though i feel insecure when i see them.

How long does it typically take for a non- us citizen in kosovo to get a k-1 visa? (the fiance visa)?

More or less six months since there are many doents to verify particularly the validity of the relationship.

I am lookung for a fun uni game for the ps2?

it is summer where i am and i am super bored so i share my ps2 with my sisters so i wanted a game i could enjoy and they can to i liked jak and dexter sege but we played in turns so i would like a co-op game but any fun uni game will do

Leroy's home poll: How can I make my BF stop growling at me while we eat dinner together?

My boyfriend only eats with a plastic spork and he growls at me while we eat. We went to Golden Corral last night (where I'm a regular) and everyone was looking at us while we ate. The waitress came to fill our drinks and he showed her his teeth. Please help.

Contact details of Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ) in Singapore?

if i were you i would ask the church administration....or your minister to ask for you if there is a locale there...i believe it is a senitive area so we might not be posting it the GOD'S message for the safty of the members attending.

What can i do if this happens?

During storm fay there was a tornado and we never known. But THANKS GOD the tornado didn't hit us. my house nothing. But what do i do if this happens again? i never been in a tornado and i'm not expecting to be in one. I live in south florida.

Frustrated with my celica!?

I've had my 2000 celica for a little over a year now. Over the summer the check engine light came on, so I took it to a local shop. They did a smoke test on the car and found I had a leak through my gas cap. It was an aftermarket one and so we replaced it with a toyota cap. Fast forward to a couple months ago, my check engine light is on again. It's pulling the 0440 code. So I took it back to the shop, and once again they say, "oh you need a new gas cap" luckily it was all under warranty and didn't cost me a dime, but 2 days later my CEL came on again. I'm really frustrated with my car and want to know what could possibly be wrong BESIDES having an issue with the gas cap. Because clearly the gas cap isn't the problem. I'm dropping my car off at the shop tomorrow... But unfortunately I know NOTHING about cars. HELP!

Song In The Movie Disturbia?

That song is played again when Kale and Ashley kissed in his room, but this time with vocals already. The song is Don't Make Me Wait by This World Fair. Track #2 off the soundtrack cd.

I tried to download Force 2.0.8 but my computer can't runs it.What might be the problem?

I am using Windows Vista.After the dowloading process completed,a note appeared on the screen saying windows can't open the program.I need to download it immediately because I am taking a Fortran course.

Should i get my hair cut like this?

i want to get my hair cut like niki's from true life i have emmbarring parents 2. i have very thick and puffy hair type. any tips??? straighteners i should buy???(not too exspensive) prouducts i should use?? (i dont want my hair gelly and hard something that holds it down but dosent make it hard )

Siamese Cat? Very Feisty Girl?

I have a one year old fiesty siamese and she loves to "nip/bite" when your playing with her. How can I break her from that?

Christians can you please help me?

I know many people who are OCD and can resist sin. Sin is a choice. Ask God to help you to make the right choices.

Questions regarding herbal supplements....?

I am looking for an appetite supressant, something that may possibly help with cholesterol, high blood pressure, healthy brain function, and maybe something good for the stomach....I've thought of possibly kelp, ginseng, gingko biloba, fish oil(omega 3) please. Thank you ahead of time. Just for a background, I am 6'4'' and 300 lbs.