Friday, August 12, 2011

Who is to say that jesus didn't have a?

Well he could have. I'm a Christan but that's not the reason why I don't think he did. He was Jesus, and according to the bible he was sinless. So since lust and sleeping with someone you dont really love just for plesure is a sin, he would never have slept with randome woman. But if he loved Mary Magdalene it is a possibility he had a child with her. I just don't think he did because the bible never sais he did. And it almost decribes his whole life from beginning to end. When reading the bible Jesus does seem very loving toward her, but he was Jesus. He loved everybody. Guys kissed each other and people said thou' back in those days so how they acted was very different than today. But it never mentions him marring her, and a big 'no no' is having a child before your married. And since Jesus is sinless he didn't have a child with Mary Magdalene. And why would the monks (the writers of the bible) not but in Jesus getting married into the bible? It's not a sin to be married, even back then. But that's just my rational. You can believe anything you want. For all I know I could be wrong big time. But that's the great thing about free will; which is a big deal in the bible. Free will gives us the ability to make any choice we want and live any way we want to live. Something a lot of other believers forget about now days. Hope I was a help!

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