Thursday, August 18, 2011

Are lenders behind intense lobbing regarding the bailout plan in favor of lenders, not borrowers?

In looking at what is being offered as a mortgage bailout plan, it looks to me as this plan has huge benifits for lenders, with practically none for borrowers, do you believe this is true? For instance, if you wanted to rebuild the pool of borrowers with only borrowers who you could manipulate to get stuck in bad loans, and would stay their, then to get rid of everyone else would make sense. People who really need help, are they getting any? Do you feel that this is right? Do you feel that the ordinary joe or josphine should get istance? if you do, please call your congressman... and ask for istance for these people. Also, come up with your own solution for istance to the mortgage crisis and post it on yahoo answers after calling your congress person asking for them to propose a bill. So what are your thoughts on this matter? Do you agree with this idea, or do you feel that everyone is getting their just deserves and we should stay the course?

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